Monk of chaos worshipping the bull

Year 1994
Category Telluric chanting concert
Work Monk of chaos worshipping the bull
Presentation Institute of Contemporary Arts. London

The performance takes place in two parts.

First part

The audience are led one by one into the Crypt and reveal themselves to the Monk of Chaos by the ringing of a bell. Through the sounds of the bells, the audiences’ souls touch the Monk and inspire the mood of the concert.

Second part

Telluric concert in which the Monk of Chaos will chant to the life, struggle and death of the Bull

Devil’s love song

1. The Bull

Fused space
The Woshipper
The grand dame

2. Esperpento

The wooden virgin
Shameless innocence
Contradictions game
Surrender to death

3. Dead child

Raven’s promenade
The saint
The sword
Path to death

4. Last fight

Death rattle of memory
Bull’s pieta


Creation and production Albert Vidal
Monk of Chaos Albert Vidal
Performers Marta Casas, Maria de Marias
Costumes Nina Pavlovsky, Pep Duran
Leather and PVC costumes Esmeralda Montesinos
Lighting design Albert Vidal
Make up artist Alicia Bravo
Make-up assistant Lucy Ellis
Artistic assistant Joan Puigdollers
Sound Rachel Shipp
lighting Justin O’Shaughnessy


Pdf. EL PAÍS. “El extraño y maravilloso… Albert Vidal”. Jacinto Antón. abr/29/1994
Pdf. Un francotirador, en el ICA de Londres. Santiago Fondevila. La Vanguardia. 25/11/1995
Pdf. TIME-OUT.Theatre. Rose Rouse. mar/30/1994