La locura del poder

Year 2013
Category Theater
Work La locura del poder
Premiere XIX edición de la Feria de Artes Escénicas de Donostia

The show deals with current issues within the socio-political reality in Europe and more specifically in Spain.

During the show, issues related to budget cuts, culture, sport, justice, curricula, health care, etc. will be discussed. Barabbas’ speeches will be accompanied by live music. His singing and dancing will corroborate the moments of madness with which he celebrates his unquestioned dominance.

After a brief pause, Albert Vidal will offer the audience a song accompanied by Xavier Macaya on the viola de rueda, entitled “Monólogo del tiempo” (Monologue of time).


Author, director and actor Albert Vidal

Dramaturgy Maryse Badiou

Collaborator in text writing Toni Coromina

Artistic consultants Oghi Ochir, Empar Roselló, María de Marías, Leonardo Alalú

Music Xavier Macaya, Pitu Andreu, Albert Vidal

Musicians Xavier Macaya, Pitu Andreu

Photographer Leopold Samsó

Costumes Dressart

Make-up Gabriel Moreno

Lighting design Albert Vidal

Lighting Jordi Ribera

Technical director Denys Sanz

Production assistant Oghi Ochir


Monologue of time

Time, time flees
life is destroyed
come out of the grave now
scattered ashes and bones
arise, souls still
take your bodies
So that each one may understand
open their eyes and comprehend
that this life is a wind
that flies in an instant
today it comes out
tomorrow it dies
today it seems
tomorrow it disappears
Therefore, each one should try
while they have time
to act with the hand, to act with the heart
because from good deeds, honor is the fruit.